Animal Crossing
Bunny Day is returning in Animal Crossing New Horzions to celebrate the Easter holiday of 2023! In this guide, let's talk about the release date, bunny day items & clothing, DIY recipes, egg hunting methods, and all details about the ACNH in-game Easter parallel in 2023!
On the occasion of Easter, on Animal Crossing: New Horizons we celebrate Rabbit Day accompanied by the Egg Hunt: our island will be submerged by different types of eggs and it will be our task to collect them to get all the rewards of the event. During Easter Day, we will have the Easter bunny - - Zipper as a guest on our island, who will never tire (more or less) of hopping in the square! The Egg Hunt will be held annually, on the first Sunday, six weeks after Carnival. After visiting us for the first time a few days before Easter, our island will be flooded with different types of eggs to collect and store for the event. There will obviously be DIY recipes to build furniture and themed clothes. Let's find out together how the entire event is structured and what to do to complete it!
Apr 2nd - April 9th, 2023
Since the Bunny Day Event in Animal Crossing New Horizonsz starts a week before Easter and lasts a week until the end of Easter, and Easter in 2023 is on Sunday, April 9th, then we can be sure that ACNH Bunny Day 2023 will start Running from April 2nd to April 9th.
When you log on at the end of March Isabelle is going to let you know that Bunny Day is just a few hops away and what she means by that is the actual Bunny Day event will be happening at the beginning of April of 2023, but leading up until then there'll be some fun little activities that you can do to get eggs and to get new DIY recipes as well, even brand new items and dialogue from your villagers.
How ACNH Bunny Day Event Goes On in Animal Crossing New Horizons?
First, let's take a look at how the Bunny Day Event works in Animal Crossing New Horizons, so you'll know how to play the entire easter egg-themed event to get all the Bunny Day items including rewards, DIY Recipes, and more:
During the week before Bunny Day (April 9th), meet and talk to Zipper on your island, he will give you a Bunny Day Bed DIY recipe, then he will leave your island until Bunny Day.
Starting from April 2nd to 9th, hunt the 6 types of eggs that are scattered by Zipper around your island, and these eggs can be used to exchange rewards from Zipper and craft exclusive Bunny Day items.
Starting from April 2nd to 9th, collect the Bunny Day DIY recipes by exchanging eggs with Zipper or hunting the Balloon Gifts.
On Bunny Day (April 9th), talk with Zipper outside of Resident Services, he will give you Bunny Day Arch DIY Recipes.
On Bunny Day (April 9th), exchange different types of eggs with Zipper to get your desired type of egg and other rewards such as Bunny Day Basket.
On Bunny Day (April 9th), get the Wobbling Zipper Toy DIY recipe after crafting all Bunny Day DIY Recipes, and obtain the Bunny Day Wand DIY recipe from Zipper after crafting the Wobbling Zipper Toy.
Now you know what to do during the event, let's get take a close look at all the Bunny Day items you are able to collect. Being an Easter-themed festival, we can not only hunt different types of eggs during the event but also collect unique Bunny Day clothing and furniture. Let us explore the complete Bunny Day Set Items and how to get them below:
1 - Bunny Day Items At Nook’s Cranny
Here are the items buy can buy from Tom Nook Shop:
Bunny Day Candy - 1300 Bells
Bunny Day Garden Flag - 1500 Bells
Bunny Day Planter Box - 2300 Bells
Bunny Day Topiary - 2000 Bells
Bunny Day Tree - 3800 Bells
Available Date: April 2rd to 9th in 2023
How To Get: Purchase these distinctive Bunny Day items from Nook's Cranny Shop's seasonal section beginning a week before Easter and continuing until Easter.
2 - ACNH Bunny Day Rewards from Zipper T. Bunny
Here are the Bunny Day items you are able to exchange eggs with Zipper T. Bunny or talk with him during the event time:
Bunny Day Basket (Exchange with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
1 Egg of Another Type (Exchange with 3 eggs of the same type)
Bunny Day Arch DIY Recipe (Talk with Zipper on Bunny Day)
Wobbling Zipper Toy DIY Recipe (Talk with Zipper after crafting all the Bunny Day Clothing items)
Bunny Day Wand DIY Recipe (Talk with Zipper after crafting the Wobbling Zipper Toy)
3 - ACNH Bunny Day DIY Recipes
Here are the limited-time Bunny Day items you can craft with DIY Recipes and Easter eggs:
Bunny Day Furniture
Bunny Day Arch (Craft with 2 Earth Eggs, 2 Stone Eggs, 2 Leaf Eggs, 2 Wood Eggs, 2 Sky Eggs, 2 Water Eggs)
Bunny Day Bed (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Bunny Day Fence (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Bunny Day Festive Balloons (Craft with 1 Stone Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Bunny Day Flooring (Craft with 2 Earth Eggs, 2 Stone Eggs, 2 Leaf Eggs, 2 Wood Eggs, 2 Sky Eggs, 2 Water Eggs)
Bunny Day Glowy Garland (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Bunny Day Lamp (Craft with 4 Wood Eggs)
Bunny Day Merry Balloons (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Sky Egg)
Bunny Day Rug (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Bunny Day Stool (Craft with 3 Water Eggs)
Bunny Day Table (Craft with 4 Earth Eggs)
Bunny Day Vanity (Craft with 4 Leaf Eggs)
Bunny Day Wall (Craft with 2 Earth Eggs, 2 Stone Eggs, 2 Leaf Eggs, 2 Wood Eggs, 2 Sky Eggs, 2 Water Eggs)
Bunny Day Wall Clock (Craft with 3 Sky Eggs)
Bunny Day Wardrobe (Craft with 4 Stone Eggs)
Bunny Day Wreath (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Wobbling Zipper Toy (Craft with 4 Earth Eggs, 4 Stone Eggs, 4 Leaf Eggs, 4 Wood Eggs, 4 Sky Eggs, 4 Water Eggs)
Bunny Day Clothes (Outfit, Shoes, Hats, Accessories Items)
Bunny Day Bag (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Bunny Day Wand (Craft with 1 Wobbling Zipper Toy, 3 Star Fragments)
Bunny Day Crown (Craft with 1 Earth Egg, 1 Stone Egg, 1 Leaf Egg, 1 Wood Egg, 1 Sky Egg, 1 Water Egg)
Egg Party Dress (Craft with 3 Earth Eggs, 3 Stone Eggs, 3 Leaf Eggs, 3 Wood Eggs, 3 Sky Eggs, 3 Water Eggs)
Egg Party Hat (Craft with 2 Earth Eggs, 2 Stone Eggs, 2 Leaf Eggs, 2 Wood Eggs, 2 Sky Eggs, 2 Water Eggs)
Earth-Egg Outfit (Craft with 3 Earth Eggs)
Earth-Egg Shell (Hat) (Craft with 2 Earth Eggs)
Earth-Egg Shoes (Craft with 2 Earth Eggs)
Leaf-Egg Outfit (Craft with 3 Leaf Eggs)
Leaf-Egg Shell (Hat) (Craft with 2 Leaf Eggs)
Leaf-Egg Shoes (Craft with 2 Leaf Eggs)
Sky-Egg Outfit (Craft with 3 Sky Eggs)
Sky-Egg Shell (Hat) (Craft with 2 Sky Eggs)
Sky-Egg Shoes (Craft with 2 Sky Eggs)
Stone-Egg Outfit (Craft with 3 Stone Eggs)
Stone-Egg Shell (Hat) (Craft with 2 Stone Eggs)
Stone-Egg Shoes (Craft with 2 Stone Eggs)
Water-Egg Outfit (Craft with 3 Water Eggs)
Water-Egg Shell (Hat) (Craft with 2 Water Eggs)
Water-Egg Shoes (Craft with 2 Water Eggs)
Wood-Egg Outfit (Craft with 3 Wood Eggs)
Wood-Egg Shell (Hat) (Craft with 2 Wood Eggs)
Wood-Egg Shoes (Craft with 2 Wood Eggs)
Available Time: April 2nd - April 9th, 2023
How To Get Bunny Day DIY Recipes:
Hunt Egg Balloons on Sky & Egg Message Bottles on Beach
Talk Your Villagers
Collect eggs to unlock Bunny Day DIY recipes from Zipper
4 - Bunny Day Easter Eggs
During the period of the event, it will be possible to collect different types of Easter eggs, which will be useful for us to craft all the furniture and clothing exclusive to the event. There are a total of 6 types of eggs and they will be obtainable in different ways!
Earth Egg
Stone Egg
Leaf Egg
Wood Egg
Sky Egg
Water Egg
How To Use Bunny Day Eggs?
Exchange Eggs for Bunny Day Rewards
On Easter Sunday we will have to go to the square again to meet Zipper again. After spending the previous days collecting eggs and collecting DIY recipes, it's time to get the latest exclusive items from the event! Talking with Zipper, we will have the opportunity to exchange 3 eggs of the same type to obtain an egg of a type of our choice. In case we, therefore, have eggs in more than one specific type, we could exchange them with Zipper obtaining units of eggs of the type that we most lack.
Use Eggs To Craft Bunny Day Items
The great thing about these Bunny Day Eggs is that they can be crafted into limited-time Easter-themed items including furniture and clothes to decorate your home or island and your character with.
How Many Eggs Needed To Craft All Bunny Day Items?
According to the calculation, we need 130 eggs to make all the Bunny Day Furniture items, including 22 Earth Eggs, 22 Stone Eggs, 22 Leaf Eggs, 22 Wood Eggs, 21 Sky Eggs, 21 Water Eggs. And make all The Bunny Day Clothing requires 72 Eggs - 12 Eggs of each type.
As mentioned above, you know that you need at least hundreds of eggs to craft the limited-time Easter-themed items to decorate your home or island, so how to get all kinds of eggs quickly? Here we give you all possible ways to help you max out your Bunny Day eggs.
1 - Specific Hunting Methods for Specific Types of Bunny Day Eggs
Getting them in these specific ways will only yield you specific types of eggs, so keep that in mind when you're actually hunting for them:
Water Egg - Water Egg will be obtained by fishing for river, sea, or lake fish, characterized by a medium shade. By pulling up the line, the character will realize that he has actually caught an egg instead of a fish. We store eggs to use in the construction of items! Now a really good tip for hunting for water eggs is they are most likely going to be the medium-sized fish shadow in the water.
Wood Eggs - Wood Egg units will be obtained by hitting trees with a hatchet or axe. The eggs will hatch out of the trunk instead of the lumber. Wood Eggs spawn more from Coconut Trees, so make sure you have some coconut trees on your island.
Sky Eggs - Sky eggs will be obtainable by shooting with a slingshot the special balloons that will appear during this period. By opening the package we will be able to find an egg inside instead of the DIY recipe.
Leaf Eggs - Leaf Eggs will be obtained by shaking hardwood trees with eggs on them. Let's keep them to use in the construction of items! So make sure you've got some plain trees planted around your island.
Earth Eggs - Leaf Eggs will be obtainable by digging into the signs that we will find on the ground, wandering around our island. In addition to fossils, we will be able to find eggs. Let's keep them to use in the construction of objects!
Stone Eggs - Stone Eggs will be obtainable by hitting the rocks that we will find around our island with a shovel. They will come out together with the other minerals. We keep the eggs to use in building items!
2 - Get Free Bunny Day Eggs from Your Villagers
A really cool new way to get eggs for this Bunny Day that has just been introduced in 2021 is that your villagers will actually come up to you sometimes and give you 5 free eggs, it seems random what type they'll give you each time. If you want to get your villagers to come up to you more often we recommend going in and out of buildings when you're near them that could perhaps trigger them to actually come and talk to you, they're not going to come up to you all the time so it might be kind of difficult to get this little interaction.
3 - Trade Specific Types of Eggs with Zipper
During the event, you also can get the specific type of eggs by exchanging 3 eggs of the same type to Zipper, for example, trade 1 water egg for 3 wood eggs.
4 - Collect Bunny Day Eggs from Mystery Islands
Except for Sky Eggs which only spawn on your island, you also can go to Mystery Islands to find other types of eggs, but as you know, you need to spend some Nook Miles Ticket for Mystery Island Tour. Stone Eggs will also apparently drop from rocks on Mystery Island Tours more than they will on your own island.
5 - Get Bunny Day Eggs from Free Treasure Islands
Using Dodo codes to visit some Free Treasure Islands is definitely a quick way to get Bunny Day Eggs. If you don't know how to get free items from treasure Island or want to get some free Dodo codes, please read our guide.